Sunday, November 11, 2012

Late night thoughts ....

Its late at night and i cant sleep because my head is full of questions and thoughts.. So i needed to vent and even though this has nothing to do with makeup it is my blog so i can blog about anything i want !! Boo ya! Lol

I been super anti social for the past two months. Im not sure exactly whats wrong with me but all i know is that i enjoy and love being home doing nothing and secluded from the outside, i love the peacefulness of being away,  but there is days that i get super girly dramatic and hate the fact that I'm pushing myself away from the world! But today i can honestly answer a few of my questions and realize that at this point in my life im better by staying away.. Ive been betrayed, stepped on, used, bullied, looked down by many close friends and i admit that am not the greatest of friends and i might not deserve the best of treatment at times .. But enough is enough.. Ive made plenty of excuses and continued to sit there and get my feelings hurt over and over again! & today ive realized that its very unfair because it usually comes from the people that im 100% honest with and to the people that I've never sugarcoated anything and given my all too! I need to stop trying to make everyone happy, i need to stop trying to never be the bad one and for that same reason i always end up like the bad one, i need to stop over thinking everything and caring to much ! Takes a lot of broken hearts to realize the true colors of some people! Thank God that even if i seclude myself from the outside world my family and husband will always be there! ...... Oh God that felt good !!! Now goodnight !!


  1. hi dulce, i follow you on instagram i love your make up work and i decided to check out your blog. i can relate to you i keep to myself i dont have really alot of friends but my husband. i been let down many times and its kind of hard to trust other ppl. so let me tell u... u go girl lol stand up for yourself i let many ppl bully me put me down and i finally decided to do something for me and stop pleasing others. the feeling is great and as long as you have that person to cheerish every acomplishment you make you have it all :)

    1. Thank you so much! It really means a lot that you took your time to read this =)

  2. Good quotes, I see what you mean in your story. It's well written.

  3. Hi Dulce :)

    Well, for starters, you need to let go of that negative energy that's controlling your life! By letting other people control your emotions you're making yourself more prone to negative energy and will become the stress you're currently feeling. You're great with make-up and you should focus on that. If books aren't your thing then go to beauty school (You'll make good money) There's no need to make things more difficult then they already are. Life will always be full of challenges, but take it as that, a challenge for the world to see how you overcome it. When you focus on your happiness and blessings, everything else will seem worthless. :) Don't stress it chick, most of the people who give you hell are miserable. Always remember; misery loves company! Hope you feel better :)

    1. Thank you Raquel! It honestly feels good to let go of so much negativity !
